Operational Client
Full graphical user interface for daily operator activities.
Configuration Client
Enjoy custom configuration with our Config Client.
WEB Client
Provides remote web access to our core services.
GIS Integrations
Intuitive visualization of mobile units and alarms.
Incident Manager
Helps you handle incoming notifications efficiently.
With our IP-Matrix, you can control your video walls.
A whole day with all the sales and marketing guys from each different country. Sounds exhausting! Luckily, it wasn't.
The goal of the day was to brainstorm a whole day about different market penetration methods, success stories, failures, and new marketing materials. Where in the past the sales teams from different countries would often work next to each other, in stead of with each other, Entelec want's to focus on a unified sales approach across all the countries.
Using this method, the success stories and insights from one country, can be used in other countries as well. For the marketing guys, all this information can help them think out and provide better suited marketing materials for sales purposes.
We're already looking forward to the next one. And hopefully, the next one will also be followed by a nice BBQ provided by our very own CEO Miet Loix and CFO Dirk Raets!