Summer means optimizing your HVAC system
The sun is finally manifesting itself which means that summer break is on the way. This year, summer will not only represent freedom and renaissance, but it will also entail a certain renewal of our comfort.
What do we mean by renewal of our comfort?
We have to admit it, times have changed. The weather forecast seems more chaotic than ever, and one season does not mean enduring a sole type of weather for three months anymore. It is not unusual to experience below average temperatures in Spring or Summer, and above average ones in Autumn or Winter. Buildings usually are the first target to this relatively new problematic situation as they are expected to provide a certain level of comfort and ensure the well-being of their occupants.
In order to guarantee this optimal level of comfort within various kinds of infrastructures, it is crucial to optimize the general HVAC system. But, how can this be done efficiently? Entelec suggests these 5 easy to follow steps.
Step 1: Perform consumption reports
A monthly report which includes precise and accurate data regarding each air conditioner and heater installed in the infrastructure will allow you to detect areas of energy overconsumption and underconsumption.
Step 2: Control the operating status of different equipment
To ensure the smooth running of your HVAC system it is essential to regularly check, not only the thermostat’s operation but also more technical elements such as the air handling unit and the compressor, in order to detect any minor or major dysfunction.
Step 3: Change the faulty equipment
After performing the appropriate consumption reports as well as having controlled the smooth running of all the equipment, it might be required to replace and update some of them. Always give priority to replacing any equipment related to the security of an infrastructure’s occupants in order to avoid major incidents.
Step 4: Set up an activation / shutdown automation
Your whole HVAC system should now be up and running perfectly. The following step aims at improving the system’s ease of use and the overall comfort of all occupants. Thanks to the implementation of the automation system, this will allow the HVAC system to start without any help from an operator once a person enters a certain room. The same goes for the shutdown automation. As soon as the person leaves the room, the air conditioner or the heater will stop running. This implementation does not only improve the quality of life within a building, it also allows for long term budget optimization.
In order to install this automation system, it is required to set up various predefined parameters such as the desired temperatures for each room, or the rooms concerned by the system.
To evaluate the different actions implemented in your HVAC system, it is highly advised to evaluate the performances of precise key performance indicators such as the annual energy consumption of the infrastructure, the monthly energy consumption per room, etc.. This will allow to perform corrective actions such as updating the automation system for some less frequented rooms than others or simply implement the system in a new room. As per above, these actions intend to improve the comfort of all occupants.
It is important for these actions to be taken step by step in order to ensure the highest performance rate from the HVAC system. Each step needs to be carefully considered beforehand. In any case, it is always advised to think in term of energy reduction. Therefore, ensure to set up some reachable goals each year and adapt accordingly.